Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: How the Opioid Crisis Affects Homeless Populations

Brett Poe and Alaina Boyer, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
This fact sheet examines how the opioid crisis affects people without homes. America is facing an opioid crisis, and that epidemic has significantly impacted people without homes. Homeless populations have higher rates of substance use disorders, poorer health, and higher mortality rates by opioid overdose than national averages. Our publication examines the social determinants of health that contribute to that increased prevalence and morbidity. It also details the systemic barriers that hinder access to care and success in recovery for people without homes, as well as best practices to address those barriers.

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Categories: Behavioral Health, Chronic Disease, Clinical Practice, Research and Data, Substance Use, Substance Use Disorder
Tags: Research Publications; Fact Sheet;