Implementation Research:
Main Goals of Research Activities at the National HCH Council

understanding of homeless health care. National HCH Council staff work in collaboration with homeless health care projects, academic institutions, and national homeless or health care organizations to generate new information that will improve our understanding of homeless clinical issues, health care access, delivery systems, and program effectiveness.
existing research to inform clinical practice and public policy. National HCH Council staff compile existing research data of particular relevance to HCH practice and policy, and work with others in the field to identify implications for practice and policy.
the ability of HCH projects to engage in research/evaluation to improve practice and policy. National HCH Council staff serve as a resource to the Bureau of Primary Health Care/HCH Branch and others involved in research endeavors relevant to HCH practice through informal consultation, involvement in workgroups, and implementation of specific program evaluation activities.Get Involved
Interested in the Council’s research work? Join our Research Committee or the Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN). Click here for more details or contact Director of Implementation Research to join.
Recent Publications

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s publications answer frequently asked questions about homelessness, medical respite care, policy, and research. Use our fact sheets with new staff and volunteers, during governing board orientations, meetings with your legislators, as part of your agency’s press kits, or with your community partners and collaborators.
Archived Publications

Publications older than 5 years
Vaccine Ambassadors Project (VAP)

VAP focuses on increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates among people experiencing homelessness, people with substance use disorder, and people who engage in sex work. All three groups are at increased risk for COVID-19 infection but have experienced barriers to accessing health care.
Research Partners & Collaborators

Our Research team finds and collects data from various regional and national sources, often working with governmental bodies and private organizations. learn more about our past and present partners.
NHCHC & CDC Covid-19 Dashboard

NHCHC Covid-19 Dashboard