Spring Learning Collaborative Will Explore Advancing Nurse-Led Care Delivery Models

Learning Collaborative Description

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) and the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) are hosting a 4-part participatory learning collaborative on growing and sustaining nurse-led care delivery models.

This Learning Collaborative (LC) is designed for any health center that utilizes registered nurses (RNs) or licensed practical nurses (LPNs) as leaders or integral members of integrated care teams or who want to start or expand nurse-led care.

The Learning Collaborative will explore:

  1. The history and current models for nurse-led care;
  2. Billing and coding for nursing services within integrated care models;
  3. Program sustainability beyond billing: grant writing and other funding sources; and
  4. Leveraging program data and using electronic medical records to demonstrate the impact of nursing. 

LC participants will hear from experts on each topic and have opportunities to learn from peer organizations.


This learning collaborative will occur weekly on four (4) Thursdays in March 2025 from 3:00pm to 4:00p.m. ET (3/6/25, 3/13/25, 3/20/25, & 3/27/25).

Time Commitment: One or more representatives from each participating organization will attend each 60-minute virtual session. Four sessions will be held on Thursdays in March 2025, starting at 3 pm ET/12 pm PT. The program dates are 3/6/25, 3/13/25, 3/20/25, and 3/27/25. Individual and organizational certificates of completion will be available. 

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the series, learners will be able to:

  • Describe 2 examples of nurse-led care programs and how they could improve client care in their community. 
  • Identify 2-3 funding mechanisms or billing strategies for nurse-led care services to support program sustainability.
  • Explain the importance of utilizing data to demonstrate the need for and utilization of nurse-led care and indicate 2 data elements to be tracked within their program to support their work.

Eligibility & Cost

Eligibility: This Learning Collaborative is open to all client-facing staff and administrators working in any role within a (1) HRSA-funded health center or look-alike, (2) Primary Care Association, (3) Health Center Controlled Network, and (4) other homeless services, harm reduction, or public health organizations working in nurse-led programs or looking to start nurse-led care programs.  

Cost: Free of charge.

Nursing Continuing Education

Accreditation Statement: The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Each session has been approved for 1.0 NCPD contact hours. 

Success Completion Requirements: To obtain 1.0 contact hours of continuing professional development in nursing, you must participate in the entire activity, complete the evaluation, and achieve an 80% pass rate on the knowledge gain assessment following the session.

Apply Now

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants who apply by January 31, 2025, will be prioritized, and the applications will close on February 27, 2025, or whenever capacity has been reached. The application can be found here: Insert. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by February 7, 2025. Questions should be addressed to Kate Gleason-Bachman or Katie League.

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