In tribute of the service and dedication of Council advocate and Respite Care Providers’ Network member Willie J. Mackey, this award honors the outstanding contribution to the field of medical respite by a person, team, or agency, as determined by their efforts to improve the health and lives of people without homes.

Monte has worked with the homeless population for the last 30 years, first providing Client Services/Case Management at Wasatch Homeless Health Care, Inc./ Fourth Street Clinic for 26 years. While there he created and developed Case Management/Care Coordination, a Recuperative Care Program, a Dental Referral Project, a TEAM approach (CPI) to address potentially violent situations and a Drug Assistance Program.
He is one of the founders for the original idea of “Recuperative Care & Hospice Care” which became The INN Between. Monte was also a member of the original group who met in Chicago in 1999 to help form the Respite Care Provider Network. He has been at The INN Between for over 4 years, first working as the Administrator for the Assisted Living side and now as Client Services Director.
Prior to this career (at 41) he returned to school to obtain an AS degree in Ethnic Minority Health & Human Services and a BA in Organizational Business. His prior education was from the “school of hard knocks.”