Migrant Health Center, Western Region, Inc.

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Migrant Health Center, Western Region, Inc.

Member of the Council badge

For the past 35 years, Migrant Health Center (MHC) has provided accessible comprehensive health, dental, and social services to the 15 municipalities comprising the western region of Puerto Rico. The center has six clinics strategically located in hard to reach underserved communities.


Services include medical evaluations, OB/GYN, oral care, pediatrics, mental health, evaluations by nutritionist and social worker, on-site laboratory and pharmacy, health education, HIV counseling and testing, outreach activities for high-risk populations, and HIV prevention services for intravenous drug users.

MHC works in collaboration with the Puerto Rico Department of Health and its Regional Immunology Clinics. Referrals to substance abuse treatment, emergency health care, and other services are coordinated through a long list of agencies that have collaborative agreements with MHC.

In 2002, MHC received a grant award to implement the integration of buprenorphine opioid abuse treatment into the HIV primary care setting. Asthma, Basic Needs, Behavioral Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Child Development Services, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Dental Care, Diabetes Testing/Care, Electronic Medical Records, Family Planning, Flu Vaccinations, Gynecology, Health/Nutritional Education, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Immunizations, Labs, Medications/Prescription, Mental Health Counseling, Mental Health Services for Youth, Mobile Van/Transportation, Multidisciplinary Health Teams, Obstetrics, Outreach, Pain Management Services, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Physical Exams, Pneumococcal vaccine, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Residential, Services in Supportive Housing, Sexual Abuse Support Services, Smoking Cessation, Substance Abuse Treatment, Trauma, TB screening/education, Treatment of Acute Illness, Treatment of Chronic Illness, Urgent Care, Well Child Check-ups, X-ray


MHC has linkages with Hogar la Tierra Prometida-Aguadilla, Casa del Peregrino-Aguadilla, Albergue San Gabriel-Mayagüez, Centro Reambulantes-Aguada, Misión Rescate-Sabana Grande, Mayagüez, Fondita Corazón-Mayagüez, Hogar Genacarith-Añasco, Hogar Albergue Rut-Mayagüez, Hogar FEIPE-Mayagüez, Hogar “La Esperanza”-Maricao, Estancia Corazón-Mayagüez, Alianza Positiva-Mayagüez, Hogares CREA-Mayagüez, Lajas, Sabana Grande, Hogar Jesús-Añasco, Z-Enterprises-Mayagüez, immunology clinics, and Department of Social Services.

General Info


Dolores Morales

Medical Director

Efrain Arroyo

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(787) 833-1868

Fax Number

(787) 832-0740






Physical Address

Calle Ramón Emeterio Betance #392 sur
Mayaguez, PR 00681

Mailing Address

PO Box 190
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681