Lincoln Community Health Center, Inc.

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Lincoln Community Health Center, Inc.

Member of the Council badge

Lincoln Community Health Center operates a Healthcare for the Homeless Clinic on the campus of the Urban Ministries Shelter in downtown Durham.  Medical and social work services are provided to Durham residents who are living in Durham’s shelters, recovery houses, or to those living on the streets or in their cars.


Lincoln’s HCH clinic provides comprehensive primary care services and urgent care services. Services are provided every weekday afternoon by a physician assistant. A clinical social worker is available during most hours of operation for counseling and case management services. At the main Lincoln clinic, specialty and dental services are available. 24 hour emergency on-call, Asthma, Behavioral Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling, Diabetes Testing/Care, Electronic Medical Records, Family Planning, Flu Vaccinations, Gynecology, Health/Nutritional Education, Hepatitis C screening/treatment, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Immunizations, Labs, Medications/Prescription, Mental Health Counseling, Pharmacy, Physical Exams, Pneumococcal vaccine, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Smoking Cessation, Treatment of Acute Illness, Treatment of Chronic Illness, Urgent Care, X-ray


The clinic has strong linkages with other area health and mental health agencies. Our linkages include bimonthly onsite HIV/STI screening events hosted by the Durham County Health Department; a bimonthly psychiatry clinic staffed by Duke Psychiatry residents and attendings; a pro-bono disability attorney education session; lastly we coordinate closely with Project Access to provide linkages to specialty medical care for our clients. We work closely with our partners in the rest of the Lincoln Community Health Center family to connect clients to diabetes and hypertension education events and to specialty care in the Lincoln HIV clinic.


Estimated homeless population: 2,400

Patients served: 900

General Info


Philip Harewood

HCH Coordinator

Memory Dossenbach

Medical Director

Howard Eisenson

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(919) 683-1722

Fax Number

(919) 682-8734



Physical Address

412 Liberty Street
Durham, NC 27701

Mailing Address

1301 Fayetteville Street
Durham, NC 27707