Rogue Community Health

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Rogue Community Health

Member of the Council badge

Rogue Community Health was initially founded in 1972 as the result of an extensive, grassroots, community-based effort, and exists today as an Oregon non-profit corporation, which enjoys IRS tax-exempt status.

Vision: Our Community Embraces Healthcare as a Right and a Privilege.

Mission: We create health and wellness, especially for the most vulnerable.

Rogue Community Health serves:

  • Low-income, workingfamilies who do not enjoy the benefits of employer-sponsored health care insurance, yet who earn just enough to escape inclusion in the Oregon Health Plan (OHP);
  • Persons who are insured low-income and underinsured and thus unable to establish a permanent medical home with a provider;
  • Vulnerable individuals who present with other barriers to accessing health care, such as geographic isolation, personal beliefs, cultural and or linguistic needs and special case management needs.

The agency fulfills its mission by offering core services which consist of primary, preventative, and perinatal medical, behavioral, and dental health care services, and by offering such complementary services as: prescription dispensing, clinical pharmacy and medication assistance; diagnostic medical laboratory services; and specialty services through volunteer community physicians who participate in the VOLPACT program.

Rogue Community Health serves several patient populations: those who live at or below 100% of the federal poverty index and who are enrolled in the publicly-funded Oregon Health Plan; those who live between 101% and 200% of the federal poverty index and who do not enjoy the benefits of employer-sponsored health care insurance; all other Medicare, Commercial, VA and insurance companies; and any individual facing access barriers to healthcare. In short, anyone who comes through our doors seeking services.

General Info


William North, CEO

Medical Director

Daniel Weiner

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(541) 223-3172




Physical Address

19 Myrtle St
Medford, OR 97504