Health Care for the Homeless, Inc. (Baltimore)

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Health Care for the Homeless, Inc. (Baltimore)

Member of the Council badge

The mission of Health Care for the Homeless is to prevent and end homelessness for vulnerable individuals and families by providing quality, integrated health care and promoting access to affordable housing and sustainable incomes through direct service, advocacy and community engagement.


Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) provides comprehensive primary care, dental, behavioral health – including mental health and addiction services, psychiatry, outreach, HIV testing and treatment, occupational therapy, case management, peer recovery services, health education and other support groups, benefits assistance, and referrals to specialty care. Health Care for the Homeless offers flexible hours and locations, at five fixed sites throughout Maryland and a mobile clinic that travels throughout the Baltimore area. Each location offers flexible hours to meet the population’s needs including Saturday hours and an on-call provider. HCH operates a robust supportive housing program using the housing first model, as well as a shelter-based medical respite care program. Services are provided using a Patient-Centered Medical Home or health home model. Our health home model delivers person-centered, whole-person care that is evidence-based and uses data to continuously improve the care we deliver.


Linkages include the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and 50 plus community coalitions including Maryland Advocates for the Poor, Maryland Medicaid Avisory Committee, Maryland State Interagency Council on Homelessness, Baltimore City 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness Leadership Group, Stop Homelessness and Reduce Poverty Coalition, Baltimore City HIV Commission, Physicians for a National Health Plan, Greater Baltimore Committee, Maryland Health Care Commission, and The Greater Baltimore Health Services Planning Council.


Estimated homeless population: 75,000

Patients served: 10,000 in 2018

General Info


Kevin Lindamood

Medical Director

Adrienne Trustman

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(410) 837-5533



Physical Address

421 Fallsway
Baltimore, MD 21202