Harris Health System—Health Care for the Homeless Program

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Harris Health System—Health Care for the Homeless Program

Harris Health System—Health Care for the Homeless Program overcomes obstacles faced by persons experiencing homelessness by providing patient-centered health care utilizing a service delivery model that provides health care clinics in homeless shelters and other sites where the homeless congregate to meet basic survival needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and employment.

Currently, the HCHP provides health care, mental health counseling, psychiatry, dental services, laboratory services, pharmaceuticals, case management, social service information and referrals, and entitlement assistance onsite at multiple homeless shelters and day centers. A mobile health van unit and one mobile dental van unit provide additional services through a street outreach service delivery model.

Harris Health System and HCHP use an integrated electronic medical record system, allowing off-site medical providers and team members to have instant access to progress notes, test results, referrals, and messaging.


24 hour emergency on-call, Asthma treatment, Basic Needs, Behavioral/Mental Health Care Services, Black Lung Treatment, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Child Development Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issues w/counseling), Dental/oral care, Diabetes Testing/Care, Documenting Disability Services, Domestic Violence services, Electronic Medical Records, Family Planning, Financial counseling, Flu Vaccinations, Health/Nutritional Education, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Housing Placement, Immunizations, Interpretation services, Labs, Medication Prescribing, Medication Dispensing, Mental Health Counseling, Mobile Medical Services, OB/GYN, Outreach, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Physical Exams, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Services in permanent supportive housing, Shelter outreach, Specialty Care, STD Testing, Street Outreach, Substance Abuse Treatment, TB screening/education, Tobacco cessation, Urgent Care, Well Child Check-ups, X-rays


Linkages include the Houston Health and Human Services Immunization, Lead, and HIV/AIDS programs; Houston TB Control Program; Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County; Saint Luke’s Episcopal Charities Mobile Health Forum; Texas Department of Health Vaccines for Children’s Program; Prevent Blindness; American Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans; Sickle Cell Foundation; New Directions; Crossroads Day Center; Loaves and Fishes; Bay Area Center for the Homeless; Worker’s Co-Op; SEHAH Youth Foundation; Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services; Texas Cooperative Extension Services Program; March of Dimes; Greater Houston Area Health Education Center; Texas Primary Care Association; National HCH Council; International Mobile Health Association; Harmony House; Crossroads; Impact; Jackson Hinds Gardens; Northline SRO; Lord of the Streets; Loaves and Fishes; Operation ID; Turning Point; U.S. Vets Initiative; The Workers’ Co-Op #1 and #2; Houston Area Agency on Aging; Texas Workfoce Commission; Mission of Yahweh; Casa Maria


Estimated homeless population: 10,000 – 20,000

Patients served: 10,836 in 2018


Baylor College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine

3701 Kirby, Houston, TX 77098 Contact: Brian Reed Email: breed@bcm.edu

CENIKOR Foundation, Inc.

PO Box 458 Deer Park, TX 77536-0458 Contact: Bill Bailey Phone: (281) 476-0088  Fax: (281) 476-5581


1117 Texas Street Houston, TX 77002  Contact: Cynthia Brannon Phone: (713) 229-8319

Craven & Plummer, P.C.

2101 Crawford, Suite 204 Houston, TX 77002 Contact: Moritz Craven, DDS / Matthew Plummer, DDS  Phone: (713) 523-1010  Fax: (713) 523-6677

Houston Catholic Worker

Casa Juan Diego PO Box 70113 Houston, TX 77270  Contact: Mark and Louise Zwick  Phone: (713) 869-7376

Salvation Army – Adult Rehabilitation Center

2118 Washington Avenue Houston, TX 77009 Contact: David Sayre  Phone: (713) 869-3551

Salvation Army – Harbor Light

2407 North Main Street Houston, TX 77009  Contact: Fred Smith  Phone: (713) 224-2875

Salvation Army – Sally’s House

1717 Congress Street Houston, TX 77002  Contact: Gay McCurdy  Phone: (713) 223-8889

Salvation Army – Women and Family Center 

1603 McGowen Street Houston, TX 77004 Contact: Charmaine Smith  Phone: (713) 739-7752

Service of the Emergency Aid Resource Center for the Homeless (S.E.A.R.C.H.)

2505 Fannin Houston, TX 77002  Contact: Sandy Kesseler  Phone: (713) 739-7706

Star of Hope – Men’s Shelter

407 LaBranch Street Houston, TX 77002  Contact: Gary Brown  Phone: (713) 227-7827

Star of Hope – Transitional Living Center

6901 Ardmore Houston, TX 77054 Contact: Randall Tabor  Phone: (713) 748-0700  Fax: (713) 748-0891

Star of Hope – Women and Family Shelter

419 Dowling Street Houston, TX 77003  Contact: Edward Black  Phone: (713) 222-2220  Fax: (713) 222-1046

General Info


Linda Kinchen

HCH Coordinator

Linda Kinchen

Medical Director

Yasmeen Quadri

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(713) 634-1050






Physical Address

2525 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054

Mailing Address

9250 Kirby Drive, Suite 1500
Houston, TX 77054