Falls Community Health

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Falls Community Health

Member of the Council badge

Falls Community Health is a nonprofit clinic that provides complete primary health care and dental care for all age groups. Anyone can be a patient at the clinic. Their goal is to provide an open door to medical and dental care.


Services include acute care, chronic health care, health maintenance, and physical exams, lab and x-ray services, well-child care and immunizations, family planning services, patient education and disease prevention, mental health counseling, and confidential HIV testing and care. Routine dental care, emergency dental care and fillings, cleanings, and extractions. Asthma treatment, Basic Needs, Behavioral/Mental Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Dental/oral Care, Diabetes Testing/Care, Documenting Disability Services, Electronic Medical Records, Family Planning, Flu Vaccinations, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Immunizations, Interpretation services, Labs, Medication Prescribing, Mental Health Counseling, OB/GYN, Outreach, Pediatrics, Physical Exams, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, STD Testing, Street Outreach, Substance Abuse Treatment, TB screening/education, Transportation services, Well Child Check-ups, X-rays, Lab services


FCH refers to private and public agencies whenever services aren’t available in the clinic.


Estimated homeless population: 800-900

Patients served: 950

General Info


Jill Franken

HCH Coordinator

Vanessa Sweeney

Medical Director

Jennifer Tinguely

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(605) 367-8761






Physical Address

521 N Main Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104