County of Sacramento DHHS/ Primary Health Services

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

County of Sacramento DHHS/ Primary Health Services

Member of the Council badge

The HCH Program collaborates with nonprofit health services and resource programs, including Catholic Healthcare West (Mercy), Loaves and Fishes, University of California Davis Medical School, many homeless shelter and program sites.

The clinic sites provide primary and public health services, health education, and specialty referrals. Primary care includes acute care, chronic disease management, assessment and treatment, mental health, substance abuse services, gynecology services, Hepatitis C assessment and treatment and health education. Emergency Dental Services are provided as well.

Referrals are made for other specialty service. Secondary and tertiary care is provided through contracts with local not-for-profit hospitals. Outreach services are provided by public health nurses (1.5 FTE) The PHNs coordinate a Well Child clinic with the assistance of UCD third-year pediatric residents.

These clinics provide preschool assessments, as well as acute and chronic disease assessment and treatment. The outreach nurse provides TB screening and testing at the homeless clinic and other outlying shelter sites.


The HCH Program collaborates with nonprofit health services and resource programs, including Catholic Healthcare West (Mercy), Loaves and Fishes, University of California Davis Medical School, many homeless shelter and program sites, and eight county clinic sites, including a dental clinic.

The clinic sites provide primary and public health services, health education, and specialty referrals. Primary care includes acute care, chronic disease management, assessment and treatment, and health education. Referrals are made for dental, vision, mental health, alcohol and drug treatments, nutrition program, and chronic disease programs geared towards diabetes management and asthma. Secondary and tertiary care is provided through contracts with local not for profit hospitals.

Outreach services are provided by public health nurses (1.5 FTE) and a registered nurse (1.0 FTE). The PHNs coordinate two Well Child clinic sites with the assistance of UCD third year pediatric residents and a family nurse practitioner. These clinics provide CHDP education workshops and triage assessment.

The outreach nurse provides TB screening and testing. Clients are issued TB clearance photo ID cards that are valid for six months. Asthma, Basic Needs, Behavioral Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Case Management/Social Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Dental Care, Diabetes Testing/Care, Flu Vaccinations, Gynecology, Hepatitis C screening/treatment, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Immunizations, Labs, Medications/Prescription, Mental Health Counseling, Multidisciplinary Health Teams, Outreach, Pain Management Services, Pneumococcal vaccine, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Specialty Care, Substance Abuse Treatment, Trauma, TB screening/education, Treatment of Acute Illness, Treatment of Chronic Illness, Urgent Care, Well Child Check-ups, X-ray


1.County of Sacramento Primary Care Clinic 4600 Broadway; Suite 1100 Sacramento, CA 95820 916-874-9670 2. County of Sacramento Chest Clinic 4600 Broadway; Suite 1300 Sacramento, CA 95820 3. County of Sacramento Dental Clinic 4600 Broadway; Suite 2100 Sacramento, Ca 95820 916-874-8300


Estimated homeless population: 12,000 – 14,000

Patients served: 12,000

General Info


Sandy Damiano

HCH Coordinator

Marcia Jo

Medical Director

Susmita Mishra

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(916) 875-5701

Fax Number

(916) 875-6366




Physical Address

4600 Broadway
Suite 1300
Sacramento, CA 95820