Central City Concern

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Central City Concern

Member of the Council badge

Central City Concern (CCC) was founded in 1979 to provide pathways to self-sufficiency through active intervention in poverty and homelessness. CCC services have developed to include a continuum of care, including health care, chemical dependency treatment, mental health services, case management, special needs housing, very low income housing, workforce development, and employment services.


Central City Concern health services provides primary care that is integrated across several dimensions at the Old Town Clinic. Services include allopathic & naturopathic primary care, complementary care, mental health services, and recuperative care.

Urgent dental care is provided by volunteer services from Medical Teams International. CCC has multiple programs for outpatient mental health and chemical dependency treatment, case management, recovery mentoring, outreach, and supportive housing and employment services. CCC provides medically monitored detoxification and outreach services at the Hooper Center. Agreements with area hospitals for uninsured and managed care contracts for Oregon Health Plan clients provide access to specialty providers and hospital care.

CCC also provides 1,309 units of low-income housing, including 934 units of single and family alcohol and drug free community housing units (ADFC). CCC also provides job training, development, and placement services. Acupuncturists, Asthma, Behavioral Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Diabetes Testing/Care, Family Planning, Flu Vaccinations, Health/Nutritional Education, Hepatitis C screening/treatment, Immunizations, Labs, Medical Respite Care, Medications/Prescription, Mental Health Counseling, Multidisciplinary Health Teams, Outreach, Pain Management Services, Pharmacy, Physical Exams, Pneumococcal vaccine, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Residential, Services in Supportive Housing, Smoking Cessation, Substance Abuse Treatment, TB screening/education, Treatment of Acute Illness, Treatment of Chronic Illness


Linkages include Multnomah County Health Department, Multnomah County Mental Health & Addiction Services, Coaltion of Community Health Clinics, Medical Teams International Dental Van, Project Access Now, Outside In, City of Portland Bureau of Housing Services, Native American Rehabilitation Association, DePaul Treatment Centers, Homeless Alcohol & Drug Intervention Network, CareOregon, Cascadia Behavioral Health, OHSU, Providence Health System, Legacy Health System, Housing Authority of Portland, OPCA, and other area hospitals, clinics, behavioral health prgrams, and housing services.

General Info


Ed Blackburn

HCH Coordinator

Leslie Tallyn

Medical Director

Rachel Solotaroff

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(503) 294-1681

Fax Number

(503) 294-4321






Physical Address

232 NW 6th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209