Adapt, dba SouthRiver Community Health Center

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Adapt, dba SouthRiver Community Health Center

Member of the Council badge

At SouthRiver Community Health Center, it is our mission to provide timely and affordable access to primary, preventative, behavioral, and mental health care services to the community, regardless of one’s ability to pay. As a Federally Qualified Health Center and a non profit program of Adapt, SouthRiver Community Health Center serves the primary and behavioral health care needs of people living in Winston and surrounding rural communities. SouthRiver has achieved a Tier 3 Patient Centered Primary Care Home designation from the Oregon Health Authority recognizing the clinic’s commitment to the highest quality, patient care.


Adapt offers an extensive list of services related to chemical dependency and substance abuse. Starting with early education in the schools and prevention programs through outpatient and residential treatment programs, Adapt feels they offer the best early education and treatment programs in Douglas, Josephine and Coos counties.

General Info


Gregory Brigham

HCH Coordinator

Michelle Watson

Medical Director

Tami Marriott

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(541) 492-4500



Physical Address

671 SW Main St
Winston, OR 97496

Mailing Address

PO Box 12
Winston, OR 97496