Register Now – Funding a Medical Respite Program Virtual Symposium

Funding for a medical respite program can be one of the most critical and challenging aspects of a programs’ operation. Many medical respite programs must use multiple sources of funding to cover all aspects of the program and to ensure access to all who are referred to the program.

The Funding a Medical Respite Program Symposium will provide a comprehensive learning opportunity for developing and existing programs to learn more about potential funding mechanisms and strategies for creating a sustainable program. This Symposium will include didactic learning, lessons learned from existing programs, and opportunities for discussion of content in breakout spaces to assist attendees in applying information learned to their own communities. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Noon – 4 pm CT/1-5 pm ET

Additional Resources

If you are new to medical respite or funding a medical respite program, please view these resources prior to attending the symposium:

Virtual Symposium Agenda

Note: All times are Eastern Time. This agenda is subject to change before the event.

1:00-1:25 – Welcome, Introduction, and Overview

1:15-2:15 – Hospital Funding

  • Strategies for Seeking Funding from Hospitals (presentation)
  • Break-out group discussion:
    • Strategies for new and developing programs
    • Developing a hospital relationship for funding
    • Maintaining the hospital relationship and negotiation

2:15-3:05 – Medicaid Funding

  • Overview of methods for Medicaid funding
  • Break-out group discussion
    • Medicaid enrollment
    • Contracts with MCOs
    • 1115 Waivers
    • State Reimbursement

3:05-3:20 – Break

3:20-3:50 – Grant Funding & Fundraising

3:50-4:15 – Health Center or HUD Funding (simultaneous break-out)

4:15-4:55 – Weaving it all together to meet budgetary needs

  • Program Panels and Q&A

4:55-5:00 – Closing

Register Now

Use the button below to register online now or contact Caitlin Synovec at with any questions.

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