El Centro del Barrio d/b/a CentroMed

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

El Centro del Barrio d/b/a CentroMed

CentroMed, formerly El Centro Del Barrio, operates eight HCH clinics within or adjacent to homeless shelters. The clinics provide homeless individuals and families with primary health care, dental, social services, child development services, substance abuse counseling, health educational group sessions, and referrals as needed to other Continuum of Care agencies. Street outreach and collaborative health fairs also make services available to homeless persons not in shelters.


The program provides comprehensive primary medical care, dental care for adults and children, social services, case management, counseling, substance abuse prevention, education and counseling, child development screenings, psycho-educational group services, and outreach. Referrals include mental health services, substance abuse treatment, podiatry, vision care, and specialty medical care.

Health educational group services cover anger management, parenting, substance use risk education, HIV/AIDS risk education, Hepatitis/STD’s, diabetes, and nutrition.

Clinics are located in the Haven for Hope, Children’s Shelter of San Antonio, Kinetic Concepts, Inc (KCI) Residential Treatment Center, Respite Care of San Antonio Davidson House shelter and daycare, and La Paloma de Paz family violence shelter. Asthma, Behavioral Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Cancer Screening, Case Management/Social Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Dental Care, Diabetes Testing/Care, Electronic Medical Records, Family Planning, Flu Vaccinations, Gynecology, Health/Nutritional Education, Hepatitis C screening/treatment, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Immunizations, Labs, Medical Respite Care, Medications/Prescription, Mental Health Counseling, Mental Health Services for Youth, Multidisciplinary Health Teams, Obstetrics, Outreach, Pain Management Services, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Physical Exams, Pneumococcal vaccine, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Substance Abuse Treatment, TB screening/education, Treatment of Acute Illness, Treatment of Chronic Illness, Well Child Check-ups


CentroMed collaborates with the following organizations in the delivery of health care services: Center for Health Care Services, American GI Forum, HCH Veterans, Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation, Easter Seals, Any Baby Can, ophthalmologist Dr. Robert Rice, Prevent Blindness, area homeless service providers, and HIV service providers. In addition to links to the Metropolitan Health District and the Bexar County Hospital System, the agency also participates in the shared services agreements developed through the Texas Association of Community Health Centers.


Estimated homeless population: 25,000

Patients served: 5,237

General Info


Ernesto Gomez, PhD, President/CEO

HCH Coordinator

Delma Ochoa, MSW

Medical Director

Norma Parra, MD

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(210) 922-7000






Physical Address

3750 Commercial Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78221