Duffy Health Center

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

HCH Grantee Directory

Duffy Health Center

Member of the Council badge

At Duffy Health Center, our mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated health care and support services to persons who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness on Cape Cod, and to improve the quality of life for vulnerable populations through community collaborations, leadership, and advocacy.

Our services include:

  • medical care
  • mental health treatment
  • treatment for substance use disorders
  • benefits enrollment
  • case management

Our multi-disciplinary team works to treat the “whole person” by providing comprehensive primary health care integrated with case management. Duffy offers its clients trust, dignity, respect and ongoing support for days, months and even years, giving each person the opportunity to break free from the cycle of homelessness, regain hope, recover and rejoin the larger community.

We envision Cape Cod as a community where all persons have access to quality health care, safe and stable housing, and lives filled with hope and purpose.

Duffy Health Center is a federally qualified health center and an FTCA deemed facility. Duffy is a proud bronze-level member of the Health Center Advocacy Network.


Cape Cod Healthcare
Catholic Social Services/St. Joseph’s House
Housing Assistance Corporation


Estimated homeless population: 6000

Patients served: 3300

General Info


Heidi Nelson

Medical Director

Wesley Klein

UDS Number


Contact Info

Phone Number

(508) 771-7517




Physical Address

94 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601