
A Conversation with Sandra: Bringing Care to the Next Level though Discussion on How to Treat Obesity and Co-Existing Morbidities

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is presenting a webinar on December 7th to learn about Body Mass Index (BMI), obesity, and health ailments. This webinar will be hosted by Sandra Arevalo from the Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, New York. The goal of this webinar is to highlight the difficulties associated with […]

A Conversation with Sandra: Bringing Care to the Next Level though Discussion on How to Treat Obesity and Co-Existing Morbidities Read More >>

Coffee Chat: Outcomes and Data Collection in Medical Respite

Medical Respite/Recuperative Care programs offer comprehensive and wrap-around services to support health and recovery for people experiencing homelessness. The complexity of services, however, can make it more challenging to determine the outcomes of the program, what may have had a positive impact, and what data would support these outcomes. Additionally, programs and funders have long

Coffee Chat: Outcomes and Data Collection in Medical Respite Read More >>

An AI Analytics-Driven, Integrated Care Model for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Webinar Slides(PDF) IF White Paper Join Dr. Pooja Bhalla and Dr. Ashish Abraham as they present their co-authored white paper titled “A Data-Driven, Analytical Approach to Illumination Foundation’s Integrated Care Model for People Experiencing Homelessness” moderated by Paul Leon. The presentation will share data on Illumination Foundation’s unique and effective integrated model for addressing the

An AI Analytics-Driven, Integrated Care Model for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Ethical Quandaries Session 1: Managing Clients’ Romantic Attraction

The Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network is pleased to launch Community Conversations beginning November 2021. Forming around pressing issues affecting providers (defined broadly) who serve people experiencing homelessness, Community Conversations are not webinars: they are discussions informed by real-life cases meant to improve wellbeing of HCH providers through mutual support and problem-solving. Therefore,

Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Ethical Quandaries Session 1: Managing Clients’ Romantic Attraction Read More >>

Housing Insecurity and Health Centers: The Case for Screening and Beyond

Webinar Slides(PDF) Case Study: Filling the HCH Gap(PDF) Where Does Homelessness Happen? (infographic)(LINK)   For the past four years, homelessness has risen across the country. According to the National Low-Income Housing Coalition, in no single US county can one afford a modest 2-bedroom apartment while earning the prevailing minimum wage. It is a 30-year crisis

Housing Insecurity and Health Centers: The Case for Screening and Beyond Read More >>

Happy, Healthy Children…In Shelter and in Supportive Housing

What: Monthly interactive trainings on topics of interest to those who love/serve/support families, children and/or youth experiencing homelessness or newly housed through RRH, PSH, or other transitional housing models. Sessions will feature instruction on the topic listed followed by discussion and support. Who: Staff, Volunteers, Interns, Community Members—all those who want to learn more about

Happy, Healthy Children…In Shelter and in Supportive Housing Read More >>

2021 Standards for Medical Repsite/Recuperative Care Programs: An Overview of Updates and Changes

Please join us on Wednesday, October 13th for our webinar highlighting the new 2021 Standards for Medical Respite/Recuperative Care Programs. This webinar will provide an overview of the process for updating the Standards, and focus on key changes to the 2021 Standards. Additionally, the webinar will outline resources and steps programs can take to incorporate

2021 Standards for Medical Repsite/Recuperative Care Programs: An Overview of Updates and Changes Read More >>

Understanding and Applying SDOH Screening Data to Address Barriers to Health

Webinar Slides(PDF) Health centers provide high-quality primary and preventive care to diverse populations in special and vulnerable populations in underserved communities. Health centers also provide a host of enabling services – non-clinical services that aim to increase access to health care and improve population health outcomes. The ability to track and evaluate these services is

Understanding and Applying SDOH Screening Data to Address Barriers to Health Read More >>

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