Online Course

Trauma Informed Approaches

This course will provide an overview of the concepts of trauma and trauma informed care for patients who are interacting with Vaccine Ambassadors seeking to help with vaccine hesitancy for the COVID-19 vaccination. Learn the fundamentals of trauma, trauma-informed principles, and secondary trauma and how to identify and utilize these skills within the Vaccine Ambassador […]

Trauma Informed Approaches

Strategies for Providing Integrated Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

This course provides an introduction to integrated care approaches in homeless health care and is directed at clinicians and service providers. The course will define integrated care and review specific programmatic and communication strategies to build integrated care practices from the individual level up to broader systemic change. Finally, the course will provide examples of

Strategies for Providing Integrated Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Social Determinants of Health 101

Learn about the concept of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and how they are important to your work and the clients you work with. Gain knowledge on the factors that make up social determinants of health while exploring the importance of asking these questions in a uniform way and why that matters. Understand the steps

Social Determinants of Health 101

S and S – When to Call 911

Prepare for an emergency situation by learning when and how to call 911 from a health center. Explore training and planning strategies that equip health centers for crisis situations. Consider how partnerships can contribute to community safety. Learn to identify and appropriately respond to each type of emergency. Prepare to act in the event of

S and S – When to Call 911 Read More >>

S and S – The Basics

Safety and security are primary issues for both patients and staff of health care for the homeless health centers. It is important for health center staff to understand foundational factors to consider and discuss in order to increase their own personal safety and support the safety and security of their team members and patients. Take

S and S – The Basics

S and S – Organizational Culture of Safety

This introductory course provides an overview of organizational safety in health care for the homeless (HCH) health centers. The course will define organizational safety and provide an overview of the four components of an organizational culture of safety: leadership, policies and procedures, communication, and staff supports. This course is intended for all staffing levels within

S and S – Organizational Culture of Safety Read More >>

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