Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: Health Insurance at HCH Programs, 2022

Improving health depends on accessing health care services and engaging in appropriate treatment. People experiencing homelessness have higher rates of chronic medical conditions, acute illnesses, and behavioral health issues compared to their housed counterparts, which contributes to poor health and earlier mortality. This population also experiences greater barriers to accessing care because they tend not […]

Fact Sheet: Health Insurance at HCH Programs, 2022 Read More >>

Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging

The need for housing prioritization results from a lack of affordable housing. Existing tools have been applied universally and have resulted in further inequity. This toolkit is intended to help communities create a process that centers equity and community-specific needs. Download the fact sheet, Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging,

Rebuilding Systems: Adapting Housing Assessments to Prioritize Health, Equity, and Belonging Read More >>

Resources: Fact Sheet

Heart Disease Fact Sheet

Heart disease and diabetes are significant health concerns among the homeless population in the United States. Homelessness exacerbates the risk factors and challenges associated with these conditions, leading to poorer health outcomes and increased mortality rates. This fact sheet provides an overview of heart disease and diabetes within the homeless community, highlighting key statistics, risk

Heart Disease Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: President’s FY24 Budget: Provisions Important to the HCH Community

President Biden released his FY2024 budget on March 9, which sets the top-line spending and policy priorities the Administration would like to see the Congress pursue as they take up their own process for determining how the federal government is funded moving forward. This fact sheet outlines the provisions contained in the President’s budget that

Fact Sheet: President’s FY24 Budget: Provisions Important to the HCH Community Read More >>

Factsheet: Health Insurance at HCH Programs, 2021

Improving health depends on accessing health care services and engaging in appropriate treatment. People experiencing homelessness have higher rates of chronic conditions, acute illnesses, and behavioral health issues compared to their housed counterparts, which contributes to poor health and earlier mortality. This population also experiences greater.barriers to accessing care because they tend not to have

Factsheet: Health Insurance at HCH Programs, 2021

Factsheet: 2023 FY Spending Bill and the Medicaid Unwinding: Implications for the HCH Community

The FY 2023 Government spending bill, called the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 and known as the omnibus spending bill, was passed on December 23, 2022, and requires states to begin processing Medicaid redeterminations no later than April 1, 2023. The bill separates the Medicaid redeterminations process, known as “unwinding”, from the public health emergency (PHE)

Factsheet: 2023 FY Spending Bill and the Medicaid Unwinding: Implications for the HCH Community Read More >>

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