2024 National HCH Conference

Homeless mortality data for surveillance and policy change: insights from four SF Bay Area Counties

Mortality data is a crucial epidemiological surveillance tool that homeless health care providers use to improve health and reduce deaths while highlighting the enormous risks faced by unhoused people. Four SF Bay Area Counties share how they put mortality data into action, describing how homeless mortality data is used to drive changes to reduce deaths, […]

Homeless mortality data for surveillance and policy change: insights from four SF Bay Area Counties Read More >>

Recuperative Care in Recovery Settings: A Promising Practice

The intersection of mental health and substance use with homelessness and chronic physical illnesses is a difficult mix of concerns to address. Through integrating recuperative care into recovery-based settings, Haven Recovery is striving to meet the needs of individuals experiencing these concerns. This session will dive into development, procedures, and community-support building as well as

Recuperative Care in Recovery Settings: A Promising Practice Read More >>

Nurse Call Line Pilot in Homeless Shelters in NYC: Experiences, Barriers, and Facilitators

The Nurse Call Line (NCL) is a 24/7 telephone-based triage service intended to connect New York City shelter residents with appropriate health care. The study team conducted a qualitative assessment of the NCL to ascertain perceptions, experiences, and interactions with the program, as well as barriers and facilitators to use and implementation. This presentation will

Nurse Call Line Pilot in Homeless Shelters in NYC: Experiences, Barriers, and Facilitators Read More >>

Medical-Legal Partnerships: Addressing legal needs to improve health and remove barriers to housing

This workshop will describe how the medical-legal partnership (MLP) model is being used to bring civil legal aid services to individuals experiencing homelessness as a way to improve health and increase access to safe, reliable housing. Representatives from a comprehensive day services center and their civil legal aid partner will share how they established an

Medical-Legal Partnerships: Addressing legal needs to improve health and remove barriers to housing Read More >>

Supporting Safe Discharge from Health Care Facility to Shelter

Health care facilities discharge thousands of patients to shelter annually. For clients transitioning from street into shelter and those with serious mental illness, careful discharge planning is needed for shelter integration and safety. In 2023, the NYC Department of Homeless Services formalized its “Assisted Discharge Planning” intervention to support healthcare facilities in developing realistic follow-up

Supporting Safe Discharge from Health Care Facility to Shelter Read More >>

Estimating Youth Homelessness in Denver, Colorado from 2017-2021: A Capture-Recapture Analysis

Accurate estimates of youth experiencing homelessness are unknown. Capture-recapture can estimate the unknown population of people experiencing homelessness — those not accessing services. This session will explore a multi-sample, capture-recapture analysis using three citywide datasets linked at the individual-level to estimate the prevalence of homelessness in Denver among individuals ages 14-17 from 2017-2021. Those estimates

Estimating Youth Homelessness in Denver, Colorado from 2017-2021: A Capture-Recapture Analysis Read More >>