Research and Data

Using a Nurse Triage Line to Reduce Overutilization of Emergency Services: A NYC Case Study (Poster Session)

In 2018, the Helmsley Charitable Trust formed the Collaborative for Homeless Healthcare (CHH) to tackle certain systemic issues in homeless health that individual providers could not address alone. Authors: Megan Ludington, MPH; Fabienne Laraque, MD, MPH Presentation Materials:  Download Poster

Using a Nurse Triage Line to Reduce Overutilization of Emergency Services: A NYC Case Study (Poster Session) Read More >>

Social Determinants of Health Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Barriers: A Resource for Health Centers, Vol. 3

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council, the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO), Health Outreach Partners (HOP), and MHP Salud, four HRSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAP) organizations, released a report on lessons learned, challenges, barriers, and impact stories shared from the (4) sessions of the “Acting on SDOH

Social Determinants of Health Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Barriers: A Resource for Health Centers, Vol. 3 Read More >>

Deaths Uncounted: Using Local Data to Act on Unnecessary Tragedy

In Marin County in the San Francisco Bay Area, County and community-based organizations collaborate to provide services for people experiencing homelessness using a Housing First approach. The closely connected network was alarmed by a perceived increase in deaths among people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic; many of these deaths seemed to involve substance use.

Deaths Uncounted: Using Local Data to Act on Unnecessary Tragedy Read More >>

Delivering Mobile Health Care to People Experiencing Homelessness

Mobile units offer health centers a way to meet individuals where they are and build community partnerships to provide health services local facilities. In 2020, approximately 47% of Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) health centers operated a mobile medical unit. The American Rescue Plan funding provided the opportunity for health centers to start or

Delivering Mobile Health Care to People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Medical Ethics and COVID-19: Naming and Addressing the Moral Injury of Care during COVID-19

Working within the context of Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) means that providers and staff regularly navigate complex needs and systems to best care for the people they serve. A key piece of this is ensuring the dignity of the people experiencing homelessness. Providers seek to offer high-quality care, meeting people where they are,

Medical Ethics and COVID-19: Naming and Addressing the Moral Injury of Care during COVID-19 Read More >>

Bridges to Better Care: Integrating Data Systems to Streamline Care Coordination

Webinar Slides(PDF) Follow-Up Materials We know that understanding and addressing the Social Determinants of Health is essential to improving the health and quality of life for health center patients. On a community level, knowing what patient needs are and coordinating across systems is often easier said than done. Using data-driven approaches to identify existing needs,

Bridges to Better Care: Integrating Data Systems to Streamline Care Coordination Read More >>

Two Years On: What the Data Says About COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Efforts at Health Care for the Homeless Health Centers

Over the last two years, health center program grantees had the option to report data on their efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Health centers reported on the numbers of individuals tested, tested positive, vaccinated, and treated for COVID-19, in addition to reporting on their capacity and

Two Years On: What the Data Says About COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Efforts at Health Care for the Homeless Health Centers Read More >>

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