Policy Issues

External Link: Expanding Options for Health Care Within Homelessness Services: CoC Partnerships with Medical Respite Care Programs

A brief to improve health care quality and outcomes for people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 response by strengthening partnerships between homelessness assistance systems and medical respite care (MRC) providers. This brief features the views of both Continuums of Care (CoCs) and MRC staff about how to best integrate operations at the systemic level, as […]

External Link: Expanding Options for Health Care Within Homelessness Services: CoC Partnerships with Medical Respite Care Programs Read More >>

External Link: One Community’s Collaborative Approach: A Spotlight on Yakima, Washington

Some communities have made tremendous strides to effectively align homelessness services and MRC programs. This spotlight interview includes the housing, CoC, and MRC leaders in Yakima, Washington. They describe their MRC program, how it fits within their community’s response to homelessness, their collective approaches to racial equity, and specific ways they have strengthened their system

External Link: One Community’s Collaborative Approach: A Spotlight on Yakima, Washington Read More >>

One Community’s Collaborative Approach: A Spotlight on Yakima, Washington

Some communities have made tremendous strides to effectively align homelessness services and MRC programs. This spotlight interview includes the housing, CoC, and MRC leaders in Yakima, Washington. They describe their MRC program, how it fits within their community’s response to homelessness, their collective approaches to racial equity, and specific ways they have strengthened their system

One Community’s Collaborative Approach: A Spotlight on Yakima, Washington Read More >>

Expanding Options for Health Care Within Homelessness Services: CoC Partnerships with Medical Respite Care Programs

A brief to improve health care quality and outcomes for people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 response by strengthening partnerships between homelessness assistance systems and medical respite care (MRC) providers. This brief features the views of both Continuums of Care (CoCs) and MRC staff about how to best integrate operations at the systemic level, as

Expanding Options for Health Care Within Homelessness Services: CoC Partnerships with Medical Respite Care Programs Read More >>

Fact Sheet: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder for People Experiencing Homelessness

Overdose deaths in the United States have reached epidemic levels, with over 100,000 deaths reported between April 2020 and April 2021. Approximately 75% of those deaths were caused by opioids (driven by the synthetic opioid fentanyl), which makes preventing opioid-related overdoses and expanding access to opioid-use disorder (OUD) treatment specifically important. People experiencing homelessness are

Fact Sheet: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder for People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Approaches to Financing Medical Respite Care Programs

Individuals experiencing homelessness are at higher risk for complex health conditions and often have nowhere to heal safely when they are discharged from a hospital impatient admission. Care providers and hospital discharge planners struggle to find safe and appropriate (i.e., non-shelter) referrals for these patients to rest and recuperate. This represents a serious, persistent, and

Approaches to Financing Medical Respite Care Programs