Clinical Practice

Effectiveness of case management for homeless persons: a systematic review

We reviewed the literature on standard case manage- ment (SCM), intensive case management (ICM), asser- tive community treatment (ACT), and critical time in- tervention (CTI) for homeless adults. We searched data- bases for peer-reviewed English articles published from 1985 to 2011 and found 21 randomized controlled trials or quasi-experimental stud- ies comparing case man- agement

Effectiveness of case management for homeless persons: a systematic review Read More >>

Health care for the homeless: what we have learned in the past 30 years and what’s next

Presented by American Journal of Public Health, authors: Zlotnick C, Zerger S, Wolfe PB. The Health care for the Homeless model has been providing targeted services for 30 years. This article provides an overview of lessons learned over the last three decades, reflecting on key strategies, barriers, and the history of HCH work, as well

Health care for the homeless: what we have learned in the past 30 years and what’s next Read More >>

A comprehensive assessment of health care utilization among homeless adults under a system of universal health insurance

Presented by The American Journal of Public Health, authors: Hwang SW, Chambers C, Chiu S, Katic M, Kiss A, Redelmeir DA, Levinson W. A universal health system can provide rich information and a more complete picture of individuals receiving health services. This study compares health utilization between housed and homeless individuals, looking at ambulatory care,

A comprehensive assessment of health care utilization among homeless adults under a system of universal health insurance Read More >>

Health care utilization patterns of homeless individuals in Boston: preparing for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act

Presented by The American Journal of Public Health, authors: Bharel M, Lin WCW, Zhang J, O’Connell E, Taube R, Clark RE. Massachusetts’ early expansion of Medicaid provided the opportunity to determine the disease burden and health care utilization for insured individuals experiencing homelessness. This study offers an idea if the impact of Medicaid expansion for

Health care utilization patterns of homeless individuals in Boston: preparing for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act Read More >>

Integrated Care Quick Guide: Integrating Behavioral Health & Primary Care in the HCH Setting

Individuals who are homeless often have multiple chronic health conditions and face numerous barriers to care. Integrating behavioral health and primary care is one way to help improve health care delivery and access for this population. This quick guide is to assist Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) grantees with their efforts to integrate behavioral

Integrated Care Quick Guide: Integrating Behavioral Health & Primary Care in the HCH Setting Read More >>

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