Clinical Practice

Suicide and Homelessness: Data Trends in Suicide and Mental Health Among Homeless Populations

This fact sheet was developed by the National Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Council as part of a series related to emerging issues in the HCH field. To determine areas of interest, the Council met with the HCH Clinician’s Network Steering Committee and together, prioritized those topics that the clinicians identified the need of […]

Suicide and Homelessness: Data Trends in Suicide and Mental Health Among Homeless Populations Read More >>

Administrative Concerns in Street Medicine: Assuring Quality without Sacrificing Mission

  PowerPoint Slides(PDF) Professional Liability Considerations(PDF) Sample Street Medicine Policy(PDF)   Street medicine is the provision of direct patient care to those sleeping outside. Understanding that many patients either can’t or won’t access care in a traditional setting, the goal is to deliver high-quality care in the location of the patients’ choice, rather than withhold

Administrative Concerns in Street Medicine: Assuring Quality without Sacrificing Mission Read More >>

Minority Stress and Trauma-Informed Approaches

Minority Stress & Trauma-Informed Approaches Slides(PDF) Hatzenbueler 2009(PDF) LGBT Homeless Youth Agenda(PDF) Pachankis Archives 2015(PDF) Reisner et al. 2016(PDF) Trauma-Informed Care: HIV Men’s Brochure(PDF) Marginalized groups experience daily stressors related to their minority status through stigma, discrimination, and oppression. This form of chronic stress is traumatic, and it affects individuals directly as well as the

Minority Stress and Trauma-Informed Approaches

Law Enforcement & Homelessness: Forging Fruitful Partnerships

Law Enforcement & Homelessness Slides(PDF) Out of Reach 2017(PDF) Encampment Principles & Best Practices(PDF) In Focus: Incarceration & Homelessness(PDF) Housing Not Handcuffs(PDF) Tent City USA(PDF)   People experiencing homelessness often have nowhere to sleep or spend their time other than public spaces, such as parks and sidewalks. But metropolitan regulations often prohibit acts housed people

Law Enforcement & Homelessness: Forging Fruitful Partnerships

Read our statement on the Roles of the HCH Community

Homeless encampments are highly visible and troubling reminders of the housing crisis in our country. TheNational Health Care for the Homeless Council fundamentally disagrees with policies that create homelessness and recognizes that encampments occur because there is a pervasive lack of affordable, permanent housing in our communities. Unfortunately, the need to provide immediate assistance to

Read our statement on the Roles of the HCH Community Read More >>

Promising Practices for Health Centers: Serving Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Preventing and ending homelessness among youth is currently a national focus and local priority in communities across the country.The US Interagency Council of Homelessness established the goal of endingYouth Homelessness by 2020 in Opening Doors, the federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness. Health centers play a key role, both in connecting this population

Promising Practices for Health Centers: Serving Youth Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment

  One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment slides(PDF) Value-Based Decision-Making Outline(PDF) AHCH Framework for a Healthy and Safe Campus Environment(PDF)   By design, HCH organizations are committed to engaging and serving the most vulnerable populations in unconventional settings, through innovative mechanisms. As such, the work is laden with tensions: welcoming while

One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment Read More >>

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