Clinical Practice

Nutrition and Diabetes Guide: How Medical Nutrition Therapy Can Improve Diabetes Management (2019)

This guide is published in direct response to the needs expressed by health care providers to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council concerning how health centers may provide quality care to people experiencing homelessness and diagnosed with diabetes. People who lack stable housing face numerous barriers that hamper diabetes management. As HRSA-supported health […]

Nutrition and Diabetes Guide: How Medical Nutrition Therapy Can Improve Diabetes Management (2019) Read More >>

Report & Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Black People Experiencing Homelessness

Presented by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Black people are more likely than White people to experience homelessness in the United States, including in Los Angeles County. In 2017, Black people represented only 9% of the general population in Los Angeles County yet comprised 40% of the population experiencing homelessness. The impact of institutional

Report & Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Black People Experiencing Homelessness Read More >>

Oral Health and Diabetes for Patients Experiencing Homelessness Webinar

The National Network for Oral Health Access and the National HCH Council partnered to present this webinar on oral health and diabetes for patients experiencing homelessness. This webinar reviews barriers to oral health care for patients experiencing homelessness, examines the prevalence of diabetes and periodontal disease in this population, and features organizations with experience in treating

Oral Health and Diabetes for Patients Experiencing Homelessness Webinar Read More >>

Healing Hands: Patient-Centered Care: Case Studies on End of Life

People without homes experience complex health needs that become increasingly difficult to manage when diagnosed with terminal illnesses. Caregivers must implement patient-centered palliative care methods and strategies that ensure the patient is at the center of the treatment process and are sensitive to relieving suffering and improving quality of life. This issue of Healing Hands

Healing Hands: Patient-Centered Care: Case Studies on End of Life Read More >>

Clinicians’ Coffee Chat: Family Homelessness

Webinar Slides(PDF) 2018 Supplemental Anticipatory Guidance(PDF) Engaging Youth Experiencing Homelessness(PDF) Behavioral Health Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness(PDF)   In this second of a four-part “Clinicians’ Coffee Chat” series, participants will share questions, wisdom, and resources on providing care for families without homes. This interactive discussion will foster peer learning and support across the homeless health care

Clinicians’ Coffee Chat: Family Homelessness

The Audacity to Be Bold: Addressing Diabetes in the Homeless Population

Webinar Slides(PDF) This presentation will discuss how a community health center, which includes Health Care for the Homeless funding, tracked and improved the health outcomes of their diabetic patients. The use of process improvement tools, team-based care, and additional clinical care activities were targeted to improve the A1C. This improvement journey was highlighted in the

The Audacity to Be Bold: Addressing Diabetes in the Homeless Population Read More >>

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