Clinical Practice

Increasing Access to COVID-19 Vaccines Among Homeless Populations: Successful Partnerships Series

April 7th: Washington, DC Webinar Slides(PDF) Partnership: Unity Health Care and the Washington, DC Department of Human ServicesJoin our facilitated discussion on their community collaboration to implement vaccine rollout, operationalized innovative Isolation/Quarantine solutions, and focus on long-term housing solutions. April 13th: Hennepin County, Minnesota Webinar Slides(PDF) Partnership: Health Care for the Homeless and the Minnesota

Increasing Access to COVID-19 Vaccines Among Homeless Populations: Successful Partnerships Series Read More >>

COVID-19 & the HCH Community: Maintaining Access to Dental Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the dental industry worldwide, causing most practices to close initially due to the high-risk nature of dentistry. Awaiting leading health organizations to develop new guidelines, dental practices struggled to reopen in the early months of lockdown, and while most practices have made progress to reopen, maintaining access

COVID-19 & the HCH Community: Maintaining Access to Dental Services Read More >>

The Longest Journey Starts with a Single Step: Reflections on Antiracism in Organizations Serving People Without Homes

This paper is written by two staff members of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council who each bring their perspectives as people deeply committed to race equity and antiracism. One is African American, one is white. One is older, and one younger. One is middle-management, and one is the CEO. We co-led the

The Longest Journey Starts with a Single Step: Reflections on Antiracism in Organizations Serving People Without Homes Read More >>

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