Clinical Practice

Community Conversations: Working with Children, Youth and Families

Launched by the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network in November 2021, Community Conversations are formed around pressing issues affecting providers (defined broadly) who serve people experiencing homelessness. Community Conversations are not webinars: they are discussions informed by real-life cases meant to improve wellbeing of HCH providers through mutual support and problem-solving. Attendees are

Community Conversations: Working with Children, Youth and Families Read More >>

Two Years On: What the Data Says about Health Centers’ COVID-19 Efforts

Health centers have been on the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic for two years, with staff tirelessly working to protect and treat their community. This webinar will highlight the data collected by health centers throughout this time with the opportunity for participants to reflect on and share their experience. Hosted By: Lauryn Berner, MSW, MPH

Two Years On: What the Data Says about Health Centers’ COVID-19 Efforts Read More >>

Supporting Peer Staff Through the Pandemic

  Peers are an important component of supporting people experiencing homelessness in accessing health care and navigating complex support systems. During COVID, peers have taken on expanded roles and been critical in helping folks navigate complex systems and limited service options. This webinar will feature peer staff and individuals who supervise peers to discuss the

Supporting Peer Staff Through the Pandemic

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