Special Populations

Reaching in to Help Out: Relationships Between HCH Projects and Jails

Presented by National Healthcare for the Homeless Council Jail inmates and detainees have a constitutional entitlement to shelter, regular meals and health care services while incarcerated. But once they are released, many individuals are without resources and unable to meet their basic needs. Those who were homeless may return to homelessness; others may become newly

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Hard to Reach: Rural Homelessness & Health Care

This document summarizes what is known about the causes of rural homelessness and how the experiences of unstably housed people living in rural areas differ from their urban counterparts. In addition, it describes health problems often experienced by rural homeless clients, highlights strategies that homeless service providers are using to meet the challenges these clients

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Healing Hands: Hard to Reach: Rural Homelessness & Health Care

This issue of Healing Hands examines obstacles to health care encountered by people who first experience homelessness in small communities and remote rural areas of the United States. The following articles briefly explain the causes of rural homelessness and how unstably housed people in rural areas differ from their urban counterparts. In addition, they highlight

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Abstract (full text available for purchase): Counting the Rural Homeless Population: Methodological Dilemmas |

One important product of this National Institute of Mental Health-funded study is the successful adaptation of methods for field research on homelessness in rural settings. This article identifies the design dilemmas and the process issues in rural studies that are applicable to social work research in rural environments. Download Research (PDF)

Abstract (full text available for purchase): Counting the Rural Homeless Population: Methodological Dilemmas | Read More >>