Special Populations

In Focus: Rural Homelessness

This issue of the In Focus quarterly research review addresses the changing rural landscape, the challenges to identifying the homeless population, the patterns of homelessness, service access and delivery barriers, and promising practices in service delivery in the context of rural settings. A few limitations exist regarding the literature shared, namely the specificity of studies […]

In Focus: Rural Homelessness

Health and Homelessness among Veterans: A Needs Assessment of HCH Grantees

Through key expert interviews and focus groups that culminated in a survey of HCH grantees, this study explored veteran demographics, health status, service utilization, unmet needs, and factors influencing preference for HCH services as well as the processes used by HCH grantees to identify consumers with veteran status and the nature of collaborations between HCH

Health and Homelessness among Veterans: A Needs Assessment of HCH Grantees Read More >>

Health and Homelessness among Veterans: Experiences of HCH Grantees

To examine the characteristics and needs of veterans within the HCH setting, the National HCH Council launched a veterans research initiative in December 2011. In phase 1 of the initiative, the National HCH Council conducted key expert interviews and focus groups with HCH clinicians and administrators to learn more about veterans accessing HCH services. Download

Health and Homelessness among Veterans: Experiences of HCH Grantees Read More >>

Health & Homeless Among Women Veterans

This Research Update from the National HCH Council provides a focused literature review on health and homelessness among women veterans in the United States. This topic is gaining increasing attention in research, public policy, and the media due to rising levels of deployment and an elevated risk of homelessness among women veterans. Download Research (PDF)

Health & Homeless Among Women Veterans