Homeless Services

Medical respite care | Medical Respite Care for People Without Stable Housing

The experience of homelessness both causes and exacerbates poor health. Homeless people are at higher risk for chronic, uncontrolled medical conditions such as asthma (4–6 times higher), cardiovascular diseases (2–4 times higher), and diabetes (up to 2 times higher) than are people in stable housing (Bonin et al. 2004, Zerger 2002). In national studies, overall

Medical respite care | Medical Respite Care for People Without Stable Housing Read More >>

Protocol for Responding to And Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and Experiences (PRAPARE)

Nationally standardized and stakeholder-driven, the Protocol for Responding to & Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks & Experiences (PRAPARE) is designed to equip healthcare and their community partners to better understand and act on individuals’ social drivers of health (SDOH). PRAPARE, when paired with the Implementation and Action Toolkit, empowers users to leverage data to improve health

Protocol for Responding to And Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and Experiences (PRAPARE) Read More >>

Poverty Guidelines

Presented by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation: The federal poverty guidelines are issued each year by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These guidelines are one version of the poverty thresholds that are used administratively to HUD determine eligibility for various programs, including health centers. Download Research (PDF)

Poverty Guidelines

Standards for Shelter-Based Health Care: Outreach, Engagement and Providing Services

The Standards for Shelter-Based Care were originally drafted as part of the Chicago Homelessness and Health Response Group for Equity (CHHRGE) in 2020. Throughout 2023, leaders within Chicago’s Shelter-Based Care Teams—Heartland Alliance Health and Lawndale Christian Health Center—worked with the Chicago Department of Public Health and Illinois Public Health Institute to update. Download Research (PDF)

Standards for Shelter-Based Health Care: Outreach, Engagement and Providing Services Read More >>

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