Healing Hands Newsletter

Healing Hands: Pathways Into and Out of Family Homelessness

This issue of Healing Hands will take a closer look at family homelessness in the United States by examining some of the most common pathways into homelessness experienced by families. It will also share some considerations and best practices for health care providers and organizations working with families, children, and young people, with special attention […]

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Healing Hands: Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness in Smoking Cessation

In this issue of Healing Hands, we will look at the impact of cigarette smoking, vaping, and other tobacco use among people experiencing homelessness, including children, teens, families, Indigenous communities with cultural experiences of medicinal tobacco use, and people who experience other forms of social marginalization. We will also consider key aspects of communication and

Healing Hands: Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness in Smoking Cessation Read More >>

Healing Hands: Incarceration and Homelessness: Reentry Considerations for Health Care Providers

In this issue of Healing Hands, we’ll begin by looking at some of the challenging dimensions of access to healthcare that face formerly incarcerated people during the reentry period, and how healthcare access intersects with homelessness, with attention to the challenges specific to young people involved in juvenile justice systems. We’ll then look at key

Healing Hands: Incarceration and Homelessness: Reentry Considerations for Health Care Providers Read More >>