COVID-19 and People Experiencing Homelessness

Covid-19 Dashboards

COVID-19 Data Dashboard: Health Care for the Homeless Comparative Data

COVID-19 Data Dashboard:

As data regarding how health centers are impacted by COVID-19 is collected and distributed by HRSA, the National HCH Council has been extracting and processing this data to highlight how health centers serving patients experiencing housing instability, homelessness, and poverty are particularly impacted by, and responding to, the pandemic.

To this end, data representing testing results, testing capacity, clinic closures, telehealth visits, and virus disparity by race and ethnicity has been separated and shown below to compare all health centers, health centers with only 330(h) funding, and all health centers with 330(h) funding.

Health centers with only 330(h) funding are those who receive Health Care for the Homeless funding—330(h)—but do not receive other forms of health center funding including Community Health Center [330(e)], Migrant Health Center [330(g)], or Public Housing Primary Care330[(i)]. These health centers, as well as and others that receive HCH funding in addition to other health center funding, are captured in the all health centers with 330(h) category.

A full National Summary Report on the most up-to-date health center data is available on HRSA’s website. New health center COVID-19 data is collected weekly, and we will continue to update these figures as new data emerges.

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National Comparative Data

Health Equity Data