Consumer Engagement

Giving people who are experiencing homelessness a voice about the care and support they receive

National Consumer Advisory Board

National Consumer Advisory Board


What Is NCAB?

The National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB) is a committee of people who have experienced homelessness and been clients of Health Care for the Homeless projects across the country and who are involved in the governance of those HCH projects.

NCAB is a standing committee of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, and NCAB’s elected Chairperson sits on the Council’s Board of Directors.


To be the vehicle for consumers of HCH projects to become a collaborative voice on national issues. We hold central the priorities of assisting consumers in the development of CABs and serving as a clearinghouse for information and assistance to consumers.


To be able to participate and vote for committee members, you need to be a member of the council(free for consumers).

NCAB Steering Committee

Consisting of seven members (one chair, 2 co-chairs, a peer advocate, and 3 members at large) and 5 Regional Representatives, the NCAB Steering Committee is responsible for organizing HCH consumers to have a voice in national issues involving the health care of homeless persons. To accomplish this work, the committee meets monthly by teleconference and twice annually in person; once in October at the Council headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, and once at the National HCH Conference.

Check out our newly created history of NCAB

Evolution of the National Consumer Advisory Board: A Case Study in Consumer Leadership


Supporting Consumers

Uplifting the Voice of Consumers

Promoting National Events

Engaging in Advocacy

  • NCAB members share powerful stories that demonstrate the importance of housing and health care policy.

Honoring Consumer Leaders

Join Us

Individuals with the experience of homelessness who have received services from an HCH project are encouraged to become NCAB members. Membership is free. NCAB members are Individual Members of the Council, and the NCAB Steering Committee is a standing committee of the Council. To join NCAB, please apply.

Get Involved

For questions send an email to NCAB.