Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a model that combines low-barrier affordable housing, health care, and supportive services to help individuals and families lead more stable lives. PSH typically targets people who are homeless or otherwise unstably housed, experience multiple barriers to housing, and are unable to maintain housing stability without supportive services. This page includes resources that address clinical challenges, financial options, and implementation strategies related to PSH

Technical Assistance and Training Program

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is partnering with the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) To support health centers that are interested in establishing or expanding services in permanent supportive housing. Training and Technical Assistance is available at no cost to health centers. To take advantage of this opportunity, please send inquiries to Joey Kenkel at

Archived Webinars

 To view past webinars from this Technical Assistance and Training program, visit the CSH Supportive Housing Training Center and search “HRSA” Topics covered have ranged from care coordination, building partnerships, and working with MCOs, to data sharing, and funding resources.

NHCHC Publications

  • Clarification of the 12-Month Rule, HRSA clarified the definition of homelessness in response to language included in the Senate Appropriations Committee Report and confirmed in the Conference Committee Report on the FY2012 Appropriations Act. Read this Policy Advisory from John Lozier, executive director of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council. Here is the memo from Jim Macrae, Bureau of Primary Health Care at HRSA.

CSH & NHCHC Joint Publications

  • Project Profiles. Developed in partnership with CSH, this series highlights collaborative health and housing initiatives.

Additional Resources

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