Interdisciplinary Care
Integrated, interdisciplinary care is essential to address the multiple and complex needs of displaced people. Navigating fragmented systems of care is often impossible for these individuals, particularly those who are ill. HCH providers understand that health care and other basic needs are interrelated, and strive to address each client’s needs holistically through the use of multidisciplinary clinical teams. Integration of primary care with the treatment of mental illness and substance use disorders is a hallmark of HCH practice, and efforts to secure housing, entitlements, and jobs are intrinsic to this approach.
NHCHC Resources

Intimate Partner Violence, Homelessness and Behavioral Health: A Toolkit for Health Center and Community Partners | 2022
In recognition of HCADV Day, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation and National Health Care for the Homeless Council are excited to release a new toolkit, Intimate Partner Violence, Homelessness, and Behavioral Health, developed for Health Care for the Homeless Health Centers and their community-based partners. The toolkit addresses the intersections of intimate partner violence, human trafficking, homelessness, behavioral health, and gender.
Integrated Care Quick Guide: Integrating Behavioral Health & Primary Care in the HCH Setting | 2013
Individuals who are homeless often have multiple chronic health conditions and face numerous barriers to care. Integrating behavioral health and primary care is one way to help improve health care delivery and access for this population. This quick guide is to assist Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) grantees with their efforts to integrate behavioral health and primary care services. The guide includes promising practices for integrating services that are currently being utilized by three different HCH grantees.
Key Elements of Integrated Care for Persons Experiencing Homelessness | 2011
This document is presented as A Guide for HCH Providers, but its reach is much broader, with implications for the entire health care system. Claire Goyer, the author, has succinctly conveyed the genius of the multi- faced HCH “model” as it has developed over a quarter-century. She examines the Key Elements in light of the requirements of the Patient Centered Medical Home model that the Congress built into the 2010 national health care reform. As you will read, HCH shines as an exemplar of care integration.
Managing Complex Comorbidities in Individuals Experiencing Homelessness | 2012
Managing patients who have multiple chronic conditions presents many challenges to providers and requires a high level of integrated care to be successful. This resource from the HCH Clinicians’ Network provides a brief summary of the literature on the impact of multiple chronic conditions on the U.S. and highlights practices from four HCH grantees to identify and treat patients with complex comorbidities.
General Recommendations for the Care of Homeless Patients | 2010
Adapted Clinical Guidelines
Healing Hands, Integrating Primary & Behavioral Health Care for Homeless People | 2006
Healing Hands, Integrated, Interdisciplinary Models of Care | 1999
Behavioral Health Integration | 2019
Preconference Institute at the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference.