Clinical & Quality Improvement

Clinical Practice

Clinical Practice:

Assisting HCH Clinicians and Staff

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is committed to helping Health Care for the Homeless staff and community members provide high-quality, equitable care to those experiencing homelessness through training, research, and advocacy.

We assist clinical and non-clinical staff to advance their practice of person-centered, trauma-informed, and recovery-oriented care by providing educational resources and connecting them to subject matter experts and other health care practitioners facing similar challenges

We offer a range of learning opportunities including publications, peer-to-peer learning collaboratives, live webinars, and more! For any questions regarding our resources or learning opportunities, please contact our technical assistance team.

Individuals experiencing homelessness are some of the most disenfranchised individuals in our society.

Together, providers and patients must navigate challenges that hinder even the most basic care. Health outcomes are a reflection of housing status, ability to access care, availability of safe food and water, mental and social health status, environmental factors, and community support.

The resources provided here can help clinicians and administrators overcome the barriers they experience in providing health care to those who are homeless.

Please contact a staff member of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council if you have any questions or suggestions for additional resources.

Diseases & Conditions

Conditions & Issues

Browse resources for common conditions as they affect people experiencing homelessness.


Browse resources for diseases as they affect people experiencing homelessness, from cardiovascular disease and diabetes to HIV/AIDs and tuberculosis.

Homeless Services

Best Practices

Browse resources on best practices on diverse topics, including emergency preparedness, discharge planning, permanent supportive housing, provider burnout, quality improvement, and more.

Ethical and Cultural Issues

Explore medical ethics, cultural competency, anti-racism, and more as they affect providers and patients in homeless health care.

Special Populations

Browse resources specific to the concerns of unique populations such as children, youth, and families, veterans, justice-involved populations, women, and more.


Thumbnail of Healing Hands newsletter June 2022

Healing Hands

a publication of the HCH Clinicians’ Network, melds scientific knowledge with the experience of clinicians working in Health Care for the Homeless

HCH Clinicians Network

Do you provide care to people experiencing homelessness? We welcome you to join the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network. We offer support, networking, and professional development for hands-on providers from any discipline who are committed to improving the health and quality of life of people experiencing homelessness.

Learning Opportunities

Online Learning

This page is your portal to online versions of education opportunities created by HCH professionals for HCH professionals.


The Council offers free webinars on a variety of topics of interest to the homeless health care field.

Need Technical Assistance?

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is a longstanding National Training and Technical Assistance Partner of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).