Insights from the HCH Helpdesk

This blog is here to answer frequently asked questions by HCH health center staff and address recurring needs related to health services for people experiencing homelessness.

The HCH Helpdesk

2025 NAP Grant Opportunity Available: Here's What to Know

2025 NAP Grant Opportunity Available: Here’s What to Know

HCH Funding: Introduction In light of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) long anticipated release of the 2025 New Access Point (NAP) grant opportunity, this post will review the Health Center Program, HCH designation, and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s technical assistance offerings building off a previous HCH Helpdesk blog post […]

2025 NAP Grant Opportunity Available: Here’s What to Know Read More >>

Subpoena Policy and Procedure

Subpoena Policy and Procedure Primary audience: HCH health center staff. Subpoena Policy and Procedure at Health Care for the Homeless Sites The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (Privacy Rule) protects individually identifiable health information and defines circumstances when individual’s protected health information (PHI) can

Subpoena Policy and Procedure

Person going through a checklist

Proving a Negative: Verifying Homelessness for HCH Eligibility

Primary audience: HCH health center staff. This month we take up the notion of “proving” health center patients are indeed experiencing homelessness. (Find a less colloquial, in-depth version of this in our 2018 technical assistance notice.) With limited resources, HCH health centers must ensure that their federal funds are used exclusively for their intended purpose (while noting the

Proving a Negative: Verifying Homelessness for HCH Eligibility Read More >>

Gender-Affirming Care and HCH: Definitions, Resources, and Opportunities

Primary audience: health care organizations and providers What is Gender-Affirming Care? The term gender-affirming care is often used specifically to describe trauma-informed and patient-centered health care sought by trans and non-binary individuals; it can range from medical interventions like hormone replacement therapy and surgical interventions to non-medical gender affirmation that can support social and legal pathways to transition.

Gender-Affirming Care and HCH: Definitions, Resources, and Opportunities Read More >>

Street Medicine or Mobile Medical Unit?

Street Medicine or Mobile Medical Unit? Considerations for Expanding Medical Outreach

Primary audience: health centers, free and charitable clinics, safety-net hospitals Meeting people’s needs wherever they may be  As the increase of people living unsheltered drives the overall rise in homelessness, providers increasingly understand that their services must be accessible wherever their clients reside. We must meet people where they are, including indoor locations like soup

Street Medicine or Mobile Medical Unit? Considerations for Expanding Medical Outreach Read More >>

HCH Director hiring a nurse

So, You Want to Hire a Nurse at a Shelter: It’s Complicated

Primary audience: shelters, rescue missions, homelessness services nonprofits This month’s post serves more to acknowledge the prevalence of a topic than to provide concrete solutions since strategies are so heavily affected by state-specific regulations, so we especially welcome your input in the comments! That issue is the challenge of homeless shelters, rescue missions, or other

So, You Want to Hire a Nurse at a Shelter: It’s Complicated Read More >>

The Night Ministry Street Team worker talking to homeless man

Tips to Ensure Safety in Street Outreach

Primary audience: Any organization providing street outreach services Photo courtesy of The Night Ministry Street Team Difficult Behavior in HCH Environments Responding to violent incidents and escalated behavior in Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) environments was probably the most pressing topic prior to the pandemic, which necessarily siphoned everyone’s attention. The most resourced and

Tips to Ensure Safety in Street Outreach

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