National Health Care for the Homeless Council
HCH Grantee Directory
Advance Community Health
Wake Health Services changed its name to Advance Community Health in August 2015. The name was changed to distinguish it from government human service agencies and to represent communities served beyond Wake County.
Comprehensive primary care services are provided by a .5 FTE Family Practice Physician, a 1.0 FTE Family Nurse Practicioner, a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist. Services include acute care, management of chronic health conditions including HIV, referrals to medical specialists, post-hospital and surgical follow up, access to medications, labs, diabetes education and substance abuse services.
Comprehensive primary care services are provided by a .5 FTE Family Practice Physician, a 1.0 FTE Family Nurse Practicioner,a .1 FTE Board Certified Internal Medicine/Pediatrics/Infectious Disease Physician, a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist. Services include acute care, management of chronic health conditions including HIV, referrals to medical specialists, post-hospital and surgical follow up, access to medications, labs, diabetes education and substance abuse services.
24 hour emergency on-call, Asthma treatment, Basic Needs, Behavioral/Mental Health Care Services, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Case Management/Social Services, Chronic Bronchitis/Emphysema, Contraceptives (issued w/counseling), Diabetes Testing/Care, Documenting Disability Services, Electronic Medical Records, Flu Vaccinations, Health/Nutritional Education, HIV/AIDS screening/education, Housing placement, Immunizations, Interpretation services, Labs, Medical respite, Medication Prescribing, Medication Dispensing, Mental Health Counseling, Outreach, Primary Health Care, Referrals for Specialty Care, Shelter outreach, SOAR services, STD Testing, Street Outreach, Substance Abuse Treatment, TB screening/education, Tobacco cessation, Urgent Care
Horizon Health Center founded and actively participates in a county-wide diabetes collaborative addressing education, access to medications, diabetes supplies and specialty shoes.
Horizon provides HIV adherence counseling through a partnership with Alliance of AIDS Services Carolina. Horizon collaborates with area shelters to identify medically at risk individuals who need shelter during extreme weather as well as medical respite coordination. Horizon works with pharmaceutical company programs to meet patients’ medication needs. Horizon coordinates care with wrap-around mental health agencies and is an active participant with the local coalition to end homelessness.
Estimated homeless population: 3,225
Patients served: 1,390
Person Street Pharmacy
702 North Person Street Raleigh, NC 27604
Contact: Mike James
Phone: (919) 832-6433
General Info
Penella M. Washington
HCH Coordinator
Anthony Hannah
Medical Director
Michelle Bucknor
UDS Number
Contact Info
Phone Number
(919) 833-3111
Physical Address
102 North Tarboro Road
Raleigh, NC 27610
Mailing Address
1001 Rock Quarry Road
Raleigh, NC 27610