A Closer Look

A monthly in-depth look at issues affecting people experiencing homelessness and the broader Health Care for the Homeless community

Action Needed: Sign Our Letter to Urge Congress to Protect Medicaid Expansion

Congress plans to attack Medicaid. Proposals include adding work requirements, funding cuts, and other policy changes. We want to show our community’s strong support for Medicaid, as it funds around half of all patients receiving care at Health Care for the Homeless programs.

Help us urge Congressional leadership to protect the Medicaid expansion program by signing on to the Council’s letter by Jan. 21.

The letter’s key points are:

  • People experiencing homelessness depend on Medicaid—especially the expansion benefit. 
  • Safety net health care providers depend on an expanded Medicaid program. 
  • Medicaid drives innovative, cost-effective health system improvements and solutions to homelessness

The letter is open to organizations and individuals, so please feel free to share our call to action with your organizational and peer networks. The deadline for signatures is end of day on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and we plan to share the letter with the Hill on Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Thank you for helping us get the word out!