2025 Willie J. Mackey National Medical Respite Award – Call for Nominations

This award is named in honor of the late Willie J. Mackey, a dedicated member of the RCPN Steering Committee and a fierce advocate for medical respite care. This award recognizes an individual who has made a profound impact on their community through the delivery or advancement of medical respite care. The award is presented annually at the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference. Nominations for the 2025 award must be received by February 28, 2025.

Award Criteria

The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of medical respite care by an individual as determined by their impact on improved health and quality of life for people experiencing homelessness. Contributions to the field can include, but are not limited to, clinical care, program development, policy change, advocacy, community collaboration, or innovations in research.

Nomination Materials

  • Online Nomination Form
  • Letter of support from a client or professional associate of the nominee

Selection Process

  • The Respite Care Providers Network Steering Committee will review all nominations and select the award recipient based on the stated criteria.
  • Staff will notify all nominators of selection results by March 29, 2025.


Please email all nomination materials or questions to the Medical Respite Manager at smarco@nhchc.org. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.

2025 Willie J. Mackey National Medical Respite Award Online Nomination Form

Nominee Information

Is this a self nomination?(Required)

Nominator Information

Nominator's Mailing Address(Required)

Additional Information

Please answer the questions below about the nominee.
Describe the nominees’ outstanding contributions to the field of medical respite care. Contributions may include delivery of clinical care, program development, policy change, advocacy, and/or innovations in research.
Provide one or two examples that illustrate the creative and visionary work undertaken by the nominee that impacts the lives of people in their community experiencing homelessness.
Provide one or two examples that illustrate significant community collaborations that resulted in the advancement of medical respite care.
Describe in 200 words or less how you think this individual goes above and beyond what is expected of them.
Please include a letter of support from a client or professional associate of the nominee. You can either upload the letter here or email the letter to Samantha Marco, smarco@nhchc.org.
Max. file size: 1,000 MB.
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