2025 NCAB Steering Committee – Call for Nominations

About the NCAB Steering Committee

Please complete the form below no later than February 28, 2025, to nominate yourself or a colleague for a position on the National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB) Steering Committee.

All positions on the NCAB Steering Committee are volunteer positions and unpaid.

Before submitting your nomination, please review the NCAB Roles and Responsibilities & Nomination and Election Process.

Open Positions

  • Co-Chair, 2-year term
  • Member at Large, 1-year term
  • Regional Representative, Regions 3 & 4 (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina), 2-year term
  • Regional Representative, Regions 9 & 10 (Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Arizona, and Nevada), 2-year term
  • Peer Advocate, 2-year term
  • Peer Mentor, 1-year term
  • Peer Mentor, 2-year term
  • (Please note, to be elected to a Peer Mentor position an individual needs to have previously served on the NCAB Steering Committee for 4 years.)


For questions, please contact Meredith Mollica, Consumer Engagement Manager, at mmollica@nhchc.org or 615-226-2292 ext. 268.

2025 NCAB Steering Committee Nomination Form

Nominee Information

Is this a self nomination?(Required)
Position(s) sought (please check all that apply):(Required)
Please note, NCAB Steering Committee Members are expected to make at least 75% of all monthly calls, which are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 5:00pm-6:30pm (ET). Additionally, nominees should expect to devote approximately two hours each week towards NCAB Steering Committee activities. To be elected to a Peer Mentor position, an individual needs to have previously served on the NCAB Steering Committee for 4 years.
The nominee is someone who (check all that apply):(Required)

If you are a person with lived experience of homelessness, please join NCAB and The National Health Care for the Homeless Council for free using this link.

Has the Nominee previously served on the NCAB Steering Committee?(Required)
If the nominee does not have an email address, please seek help in the community to acquire one or contact Meredith Mollica at 615-226-2292, ext. 268 or mmollica@nhchc.org for support. An email address is necessary for NCAB Steering Committee members as most communication occurs via email.
City/State of Nominee

We’d love to learn more about the nominee and the work they are doing to support, advocate for, and to empower individuals experiencing homelessness. Please help us get to know the nominee by answering the following questions in 400 words or less:

1. What are three things the nominee is doing to support, advocate for and/or help create change that will make services work better for people experiencing homelessness?

2. How has the nominee been involved with consumer engagement? Please share their experience with Health Care for the Homeless Programs or other organizations. This could include participation in focus groups, surveys, serving on a Board of Directors or Consumer Advisory Boards, or other ways they’ve helped inform decision making or governance. Feel free to include informal activities or advocacy work, too!

3. Why do you think the nominee would make a valuable addition to the National Consumer Advisory Board Steering Committee?

4. If the nominee works at a Health Care for the Homeless program, please tell us about their role and work.

We are eager to hear about the nominee’s journey, their impact and the unique perspective they bring. If there is anything else you would like us to know about the nominee, please add it below. Thank you for taking the time to share.

It is an option to provide additional letters of support, references, a list of experience and/or a resume, however, this is not a requirement. Additional materials can be uploaded here or sent to Meredith Mollica at mmollica@nhchc.org.

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 1,000 MB, Max. files: 5.

    Nominator Information

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