Promoting Healthy Habits: Innovative Nutrition Education & Physical Activity Programs for Homeless Children & Families

Webinar Slides(PDF)

In this webinar, participants will discover ways to address obesity prevention, promote healthy habits, and overcome challenges inherent in working in homeless shelter settings.

To address issues of accessing healthy food and venues for physical activity, the New York Children’s Health Project conducts CHEFF’s and Microwave Cooking classes, aimed at increasing nutrition-related knowledge and skills in the context of limited resources. Webinar attendees will learn techniques used in teaching homeless mothers to shop on a budget, cook nutritious food, and encourage healthy eating habits.

A presentation of CHEFF’s, the nutrition education and physical activity program for children ages 6 – 14, including curriculum, evaluation tools, methods, and results, will follow. The challenges and rewards of delivering programs that foster social support and improve quality of life among shelter residents will be highlighted as well.


  • Jacqueline Rodriguez, MPH, AE-C; Health Educator, Community Pediatric Programs Montefiore Medical Center; Bronx, New York
  • Cara Stephenson-Hunter, MPsy; Administrative Coordinator, Community Pediatric Programs Montefiore Medical Center; Bronx, New York
Categories: Clinical Practice, Conditions and Issues, Nutrition, Shelter Health
Tags: Webinar
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