Read our statement on the Roles of the HCH Community

Homeless encampments are highly visible and troubling reminders of the housing crisis in our country. TheNational Health Care for the Homeless Council fundamentally disagrees with policies that create
homelessness and recognizes that encampments occur because there is a pervasive lack of affordable,
permanent housing in our communities. Unfortunately, the need to provide immediate assistance to
decrease unacceptable living conditions on the street is often competing with the same resources needed
to truly end homelessness through expanded permanent housing opportunities. All-too-often, divisiveness
occurs over whether to pursue short- or long-term solutions, jeopardizing relationships with both clients and community partners. These relationships—together with advocacy—are critical to end the homeless epidemic across the country.Homeless encampments are highly visible and troubling reminders of the housing crisis in our country. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council fundamentally disagrees with policies that create homelessness and recognizes that encampments occur because there is a pervasive lack of affordable, permanent housing in our communities. Unfortunately, the need to provide immediate assistance to decrease unacceptable living conditions on the street is often competing with the same resources needed to truly end homelessness through expanded permanent housing opportunities. All-too-often, divisiveness occurs over whether to pursue short- or long-term solutions, jeopardizing relationships with both clients and community partners. These relationships—together with advocacy—are critical to end the homeless epidemic across the country.

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Categories: Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Encampments, Homeless Services
Tags: NHCHC Resources
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