A HRSA Operational Site Visit (OSV) is an onsite evaluation of a health center’s ability to meet the 19 health center program requirements including a clinical and financial performance review. ‘Not Met’ health center program requirements found during the HRSA OSV could lead to a condition on the health center’s grant.
This anxiety inducing 2.5-day onsite evaluation process has Health Care for the Homeless grantees seeking recommendations on what to expect and how they can best prepare for their visits. Two Health Care for the Homeless grantees that have recently and successfully completed their HRSA OSV have volunteered to share how they prepared for their visit and will offer tips and suggestions to grantees expecting a OSV this year. There will be an opportunity for Q&A at the end of the presentation.
- Jenny Metzler, MPH, Executive Director, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless
- Nilesh Kalyanaraman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Health Care for the Homeless – Baltimore
- Fran Pruce, MBA, Chief Operating and Financial Officer, Health Care for the Homeless – Baltimore