One HCH Center’s Framework for a Safe and Healthy Environment


By design, HCH organizations are committed to engaging and serving the most vulnerable populations in unconventional settings, through innovative mechanisms. As such, the work is laden with tensions: welcoming while ensuring safety, empathy with boundaries and rules, and being trauma-informed with both clients and staff. Based on the experience of Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless, Inc., this training will provide a conceptual framework for safety at HCH programs, some actionable essential elements for creating such an environment, indicators and substantiating data for measuring safety, and examples of the philosophical and values challenges for decision making around safety.


  • Jennifer L. Metzler, MPH, Executive Director, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless, Inc., Albuquerque, NM
Categories: Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Consumer Engagement, Homeless Services, Research and Data, Safety and Security, Street Medicine, Street Outreach, Workforce Development and Support, Workplace Safety
Tags: Webinar
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