Housing is a key social determinant of health because it affects all aspects of health and quality of life. Housing instability and homelessness cause high levels of stress and increase vulnerability to disease, violence, and injury.1 Whether someone has stable housing directly affects their ability to safely store medication, get to appointments, eat well, and focus on self-care.2 In order for older adults (people 65 years and older) to age well in their communities, they need housing that is accessible, affordable, safe, and connected to appropriate services. Accessing housing and aging in place pose several challenges for older adults, and particularly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and all sexual and gender minority (LGTBQIA+) adults. Because of historical and current stigma, discrimination, and bias against LGBTQIA+ people, LGTBQIA+ older adults may not have equal access to the resources needed to successfully age in place.3 This publication provides health centers with promising practices for supporting LGBTQIA+ older adults with their housing and related health care needs, including screening for homelessness and housing, supporting aging in place, providing affirming referrals for housing and supportive services, and offering inclusive health care environments.