Healing Hands: Disaster Planning Requires Time, Resources, Collaboration

Health care providers have long prepared for natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes, but they are now acutely aware of the need to prepare for nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) terrorism, as well. Lacking protection from the elements, homeless people are especially vul- nerable to natural and manmade disasters and Health Care for the Homeless providers are at various stages of emergency preparedness. The articles in this issue of Healing Hands examine preparations being made by the health care community, a special role for HCH mobile providers, and emergency management standards required by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

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Categories: Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Emergency Preparedness, Healing Hands Newsletter, Homeless Services
Tags: Newsletter, NHCHC Resources
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