Healing Hands: Compassion Fatigue: The High Cost of Caring

Clinicians working in homeless health care devote their energy to the health and well being of their clients, helping them obtain the medical care, housing, and social services that they need. To ensure a long and successful career, it is essential to remember to take care of yourself, too. Those who work with individuals and families experiencing homelessness may be involved in street outreach, visiting people living in remote camps, and working in shelters and drop-in centers. Where you go and the suffering that you see, hear, and feel has a deep impact, even if you are not always cognizant of it. This impact is variously known as secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, or vicarious traumatization.

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Categories: Best Practices, Clinical Practice, Healing Hands Newsletter, Homeless Services, Provider Burnout
Tags: Newsletter, NHCHC Resources
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