Clinicians’ Network Community Conversations: Harm Reduction Strategies for the Fentanyl Crisis

Join us on August 31, International Overdose Awareness Day, for a Community Conversation exploring harm reduction strategies for the fentanyl crisis. While some communities have been grappling with fentanyl and its impact for years, other parts of the United States have only recently begun seeing its effects, as rates of overdose from synthetic opioids rise rapidly. How does fentanyl disproportionately affect people experiencing homelessness?

How can clinicians use harm reduction approaches to prevent deaths in their communities? How can we support each other through the grief of losing patients to overdose? Join us to explore these and other challenging questions.

Community Conversations are not webinars: they are discussions on issues affecting providers (defined broadly) who serve people experiencing homelessness. Community Conversations are meant to foster mutual support and problem-solving, and attendees are invited to share openly and encourage others, not just listen. All participants are encouraged to have their cameras on if possible, and to facilitate a safer space, the conversations will not be recorded.

Categories: Behavioral Health, Clinical Practice, Harm Reduction, Substance Use
Tags: Webinar