California Recuperative Care Coffee Chat: CalAIM Check-In


We are now coming up on two years since the rollout of CalAIM (California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal), the multiyear plan with the goal to improve outcomes for people with the most complex needs, including those experiencing homelessness. With CalAIM, Medi-Cal managed care plans couple clinical care with a range of social services, such as Medical Respite (Recuperative Care), to increase access to these valuable programs that play a role in positive health outcomes. Many Recuperative Care programs have opted to implement CalAIM into their programs. Coinciding with the release of the NIMRC publication Lessons Learned: CalAIM Implementation of Recuperative Care, this 60-minute candid conversation among California Recuperative Care providers will explore the impact CalAIM has had on your programs, and how it has changed or improved your services and client outcomes. We’ll take a look at what’s working well, what remains challenging, and share best practices when it comes to CalAIM Recuperative Care services.

Categories: Developing a Medical Respite Program, Medical Respite, Quality and Program Improvement in Medical Respite
Tags: Webinar
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